Brew French Press
Brew French Press
Easy, portable, and so fun to use. French pressed coffee has a rich mouth feel as the oils are not filtered out. Avoid grit and bitterness by decanting immediately after the plunge.
Reading Brew French Press 1 minute Next Brew Chemex
How to Brew French Press
700g, 195°F - 205°F
4 - 8 Minutes
What You Need
  • French Press
  • Gram Scale
  • Timer
  • Two Spoons
  • Decenting Vessel

Step 1

Step 2

  1. Place your French Press carafe on the scale and tare to 0
  2. Put your freshly ground New Harvest coffee into the carafe and shake gently to settle the grounds. Confirm that your dose is correct then tare the scale to 0 again.

    Step 3

    1. Vigorously add all of your water, wetting all of the grounds. Set your timer for 4 minutes, and begin the countdown. 

    Step 4

    1. Place the lid on the carafe but do not plunge yet!
    2. At the 4-minute mark, remove the lid and stir well with a spoon. Scoop away any remaining foam for a cleaner cup). (Optional: Let the French Press sit an additional 4 minutes, to allow any suspended grounds to settle to the bottom of the carafe).

    Step 5

    1. Remove the French Press from the scale and gently push down the plunger. We want to avoid agitating the settled coffee grounds. 
    2. Decant the brew into another vessel and stir. This prevents over-extraction and ensures a consistent mouthfeel between servings.

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